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Why did you choose Reigate College?

I wanted a change from the all-girls’ school I’d been to previously. A lot of my friends were planning to come to Reigate and when I came to an open day I really liked the atmosphere and the facilities for all my subjects. I also valued the independence the College offers.

How and why did you decide which subjects to study?

I wanted to keep some more academic subjects alongside my creative choice of Media to give me a backup in case I changed my mind about pursuing a career in Film Production. English and French seemed to fit really well because of the key skills you learn.

What’s been the highlight from your time at College?

Thanks to the Media department, I got a place on the British Film Institute’s Film Academy which ran from October to December 2017. During the course I had the opportunity to make a short film and 3D video, have masterclasses from industry professionals, achieve my silver Arts Award and also attend the BFI’s Future Film Lab events. As a budding filmmaker, this was essential in helping me develop my skills and make contacts within the industry.

What are your plans for the future?

I’ve accepted an offer at Brighton Film School. In September I’ll begin my HNC/HND Diploma in Creative Media Production and then complete the third year top-up degree course of a BA in Film Production. After that, I hope to continue into the industry.

Louise, 2018

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