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Why did you choose Reigate College?

I liked the sense of freedom and independence that Reigate College offers – a much more grown-up environment.

How and why did you decide which subjects to study?

I chose French and Spanish as languages have been a huge passion of mine since the age of 11. I love reading and writing which is why I chose English Literature.

How did you find the move from school to College?

It was very exciting because I took the train every day, which felt very grown-up. Wearing home clothes and being treated more like an adult by my teachers was also a big change from school – for the better!

What have you enjoyed most about your courses?

I love studying movies and literature in French and Spanish. We’ve recently learnt about the prison and law system in France, which was fascinating. I also love learning about indigenous Latin American cultures in Spanish.

Tell us about any College activities you’ve been involved in outside lessons.

I really enjoyed Zumba club. I made friends there and it gave me the opportunity to have fun and do something very light-hearted in between lessons.

What are your plans for the future?

I’m going to study French and Spanish at Manchester University.

Nadya, 2021

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