Careers planning starts before students enrol at College and forms part of the admissions process. Here are some examples of how students are made aware of possible progression pathways before becoming students:

  • Partner School days:  Year 11 Oxbridge evening, Year 10 days, Subject Inspiration days, Year 8 and 9 gifted and talented days
  • Year 11 Applicants’ events:  these usually include talks by former students and other outside professionals
  • One-to-one Admissions interviews:  these cover career aims and suitable programmes of study

Once students are enrolled at College, they receive the following careers input:

Autumn Term

  • The Careers department provides guidance on subject choice at Choices Day and at Interview
  • Students have an introduction to the Careers department in tutorial, including registering on Unifrog and being made aware of the requirement to complete work experience
  • A virtual “Welcome to Careers” meeting is held for parents.
  • Students on the Aspire Programme complete a unit on developing an academic interest to help them decide what they would like to study at university 
  • MVD Society begins for students who are interested in applying for Medicine, Veterinary Science or Dentistry
  • Careers in Health Programme starts for students interested in other health-related careers such as Nursing, Midwifery, Physiotherapy etc.
  • Work experience drop in sessions are run to support students with finding work experience.

Spring Term

  • Get Ahead Day in March gives all Lower Sixth Students the opportunity to engage with around 100 universities, employers and apprenticeship providers at the College’s careers fair. During the day students discuss their career plans as part of a one-to-one interview with their tutors. Tutors ensure that all students have work experienced planned. Notes of these discussions are recorded on the College’s database. Students in need of more expert guidance can book a one-to-one careers appointment on the College portal.
  • A virtual Beyond Reigate Information Evening is run for parents to explain the different routes available to students when they leave College and the support College gives students
  • Employer workshops are run with employers and alumni and lunchtime talks are held during National Apprenticeship Week.
  • Students can opt to join one of our Career pathways from February half term. Examples of pathways include Performing Arts, Creative, Arts and Humanities, Biosciences, Psychology, Law and Architecture
  • Students considering applying to Oxford or Cambridge can join the Oxbridge career pathway after February half term which will help the most able students decide if they would like to make an Oxbridge application
  • Students on the Aspire programme complete a unit on researching higher education courses and universities 
  • MVD society continues for students who are interested in applying for Medicine, Veterinary Science or Dentistry.  Events such as ‘Operating theatre live’ are offered to students, and the work experience co-ordinator helps students to find appropriate placements

Summer Term

  • Progression Day gives students the help they need to make a start on their UCAS application or CV. Students are also given advice from universities on writing personal statements and departments deliver sessions on progression routes in their subjects
  • Students select their upper sixth tutorial pathway. They can also apply to join one of our upper sixth Career Pathways which provide an additional hour a week of support for students applying for degrees in a range of areas such as Arts and Humanities, Biosciences, Psychology, Law and Architecture or applying for apprenticeships. There are also pathways to help students develop their digital skills and gain a carbon literacy qualification
  • A “Meet the Employer” event is held and attended by 25-30 companies and organisations
  • Students who meet widening participation criteria who are considering making an Oxbridge application are invited on a visit to Cambridge university

Autumn Term

  • Students will have joined one of our Upper Sixth tutorial pathways to support them with their progression plans and many will have opted for an additional hour of support with their applications
  • A parent Zoom meeting is held for parents of students applying to universities (via UCAS)
  • An Apprenticeship Pathway launch event is held for students and their parents who are considering applying for apprenticeships. This includes a presentation on applying for apprenticeships and a Q and A session with Reigate College alumni who are completing apprenticeships
  • The College runs a trip to the Festival of Skills for students applying for Apprenticeships
  • Personal statement feedback sessions and UCAS drop in sessions are run in the Careers Department for those needing additional support with their UCAS application
  • Careers staff run help sessions for students not applying to university on researching their options, CV-building and Interview skills

Spring Term

  • Students who have applied to UCAS are advised on how to reply to the offers they receive and what to do on results day
  • Students interested in applying for apprenticeships are encouraged to attend a range of talks during National Apprenticeship Week


  • A Careers Bulletin is emailed to all students every week 
  • Students are able to book a one-to-one careers interview with Careers staff
  • Students who need help arranging an experience of the workplace can make an appointment with the College’s work experience co-ordinator
  • Subject staff make students aware of opportunities for further study, apprenticeships or employment relating to their subjects
  • Tutors support students in making decisions about their progression choices 

Take a look at our Careers Roadmap leaflet to find out more about how Reigate College’s Careers Department supports students and parents/carers during the Lower and Upper Sixth.