As you’ll see from the Admissions Calendar, interviews take place from November to March, with students from the College’s Partner Schools being invited to interview first. The Admissions team invites students in strict order (as per the College’s Admissions Policy).
To help ease students into College life, the College offers two mandatory taster days (Introductory Day and Choices Day) and encourages all New Starters to work through some Course Tasks and Activities (between 1 June and Choices Day at the end of August) designed to start preparing them for their Level 3 A Level (or equivalent) courses.
It’s important students tackle these tasks and activities so that they know what they might be letting themselves in for, especially if they haven’t studied the subject at GCSE!

There are two COMPULSORY taster days for all New Starters, that involve you trying out your proposed subject choices, or experimenting with new ones. Attendance at these days will help you feel more relaxed about starting at the College in September and provide useful opportunities to start getting to know some of your future teachers and class mates.
Introductory Day 24 or 26 June 2025
All prospective students and their parents or guardians, should also read the Essential Information for Choices Day and Enrolment. Please pay particular attention to the College Deposit Scheme as a fee of £75 is payable at enrolment by all students (other than those on a Bursary). Most students are also particularly keen to find out about the catering arrangements at College – so please take a look at the Q&A about the College Refectory to find out more about the College’s first-rate Refectory service.
We look forward to welcoming you at College soon.
Nick Clark, Principal