Admissions Policy and Frequently Asked Questions

The College currently accepts students from a range of schools within and out of the county, including independent schools, and seeks to exercise an open and fair admissions process, in accordance with its agreed admissions policy.

Download the Reigate College Admissions Policy here for entry to the College in September 2025.

A student’s chance of obtaining a place is generally improved the earlier they apply, and the date of application is recorded.

Students who apply after the initial deadline of 1 November (in any academic year) will be placed on a waiting list and will be contacted by Admissions should a place become available.

Frequently Asked Admissions Questions:

Admissions and starting at Reigate College

A1: Applicants from the College’s partner schools should apply following the process outlined in the partner schools admissions timetable. As long as they meet the admissions requirements (usually five GCSE passes (grades 4-9) and acceptable school report and attendance figures), they will be guaranteed a place.

Our partner schools currently include: Carrington, de Stafford, Merstham Park, Oakwood, Reigate, The Beacon School and The Priory School (Dorking).

A2: Nearly 60% of the College intake is from non-partner schools, so if your son/daughter is considering Reigate College, then it is recommended they apply and their chances are improved if they apply before 1 November.

A3: Ideally yes. Applications should be received before 1 November and will then be considered against the College’s Admissions Policy. Any application received after 1 November will automatically be placed on the College’s waiting list. Some people on the waiting list will be invited for interview, depending on the number of applications received.

A4: Choices Day is an extremely important day and it is a requirement that all prospective Lower Sixth students attend.

The day is designed to give new students the chance to try out their chosen subjects and meet their peer group, so that they can leave, looking forward to the prospect of spending the next 2 years at the College!

Some students’ GCSE results don’t go quite as planned (for better or worse!) and other students simply change their minds about what they want to study, so for these students Choices Day provides the opportunity to weigh up any possible changes to their study programme.

Students who are are unable to attend Choices Day should contact the College in advance. Failure to do so will result in places being withdrawn and offered to other students.

A5: As long as the College is notified in advance, and you receive an acknowledgement from the College, your son or daughter’s place will be held.

Special Requirements

A6: Reigate College will do all that it can to accommodate any student who applies before 1 November. (Please see Student Support and Welfare and College Policies.) Students will be considered on a case-specific basis. Parents should send an accompanying letter with their son/daughter’s application explaining the nature of the support their son/daughter would require, if studying at Reigate.

Grades and Courses

A7: Students will probably be advised to change the mix of courses they want to do, to ensure they have the best possible chance of doing well.  They will be able to discuss their options with a tutor on Choices Day (end of August).

If they don’t have at least five GCSEs at grades 4-9, they may be offered the opportunity of joining the College’s Intermediate Programme. This involves spending one year doing a mixture of Level 2 Courses (BTEC Level 2 Extended Certificates and GCSEs).

Students who achieve suitable grades on the Intermediate Programme can then stay on for a further two years and do A Levels and/or BTEC Level 3 courses. There are approximately 100 students who follow this route each year. 

Some students may be advised to consider more vocational courses at other Colleges, rather than studying at Reigate.

A8: Yes. Course changes can be made right up to starting at College and up to two weeks of starting at College.

Advice and guidance about course choices will be given with an experienced member of staff both at interview and during an enrolment (once GCSE results have been received).

The College recognises the importance of students being on the right courses and expects all students to complete a series of ‘New Starters’ course tasks and activities in the run up to starting at College, to give students a flavour of the type of content they will be studying for particular courses.

Once timetables have been issued students need to give their courses a chance before asking to change them, as it’s perfectly normal to go through an adjustment phase.

The College tries to be as flexible as possible in accommodating subject changes but it is unusual to change courses after the first couple of weeks of term.

A9: Yes. All students who have not achieved a pass (grade 4-9) in GCSE Maths or English will be expected to re-sit these courses while at College.

Extra-Curricular Queries

A10: The College offers the Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award which we very much hope students who’ve done their Silver and or Bronze Award will sign up to.  Students who’ve not done or completed either the Bronze or Silver Award will still be eligible for the Gold Award.

Students are given information about the Award during the College enrolment process and can formally sign up to it via an interview held after Choices Day.

A11: The College offers an extremely comprehensive Enrichment Programme that includes a range of sporting, creative and skills-based activities.

A12: The College competes in a number of cups and competitions against other schools and colleges – across a range of sports. Please see College Sport.

In normal circumstances, all students are given the opportunity to trial for a College team.  Students can find out more about what’s available by talking to College staff at both Choices Day and during their individual interview.