On 24 January, students who signed up to the College’s Women in STEM trip to Portsmouth University, got to meet a variety of women lecturing and researching in STEM areas. The participating students, who are studying Physics, Engineering, Computing or IT at the College:
- heard talks from the University of Portsmouth’s senior mathematics lecturer about her research into mathematical biology;
- worked on designing a transportation vehicle to fit a brief;
- heard from a Physics lecturer working on the very modern topic of gravitational waves;
- studied the properties of different materials with the Mechanical Engineering department;
- collaboratively worked in groups to design a bridge; and
- heard current University of Portsmouth’s students experiences studying as women in STEM.
Head of Maths Simon King, who led the trip said, “It’s been great receiving such positive feedback about how the group found the day. Comments included:
It was great to learn some new things and hear from both students and teachers how they got to where they are.
It was really interesting to get to see a university and hear from some lecturers about their subjects.
I thought the talks were very informative.
There were lots of people to talk to and good advice at the end from students.”
Students in a lab Working together to design a bridge Constructing the bridge Students with the bridge they constructed In the lab