College Leavers celebrated in Awards Ceremonies

Principle Nick Clark with the College's most highly decorated students

Well done to all the students receiving Reigate College 2018 Leavers’ Awards at one of the College’s two Leavers’ Awards ceremonies held over lunchtime on Thursday 24th and Friday 25th May in the Rispoli Theatre. Students are nominated by staff for ‘achievement’ or ‘contribution’ across all subject areas, with additional awards being given for:

  • the Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award
  • Services to the Students’ Union, and
  • 100% Attendance.

There are also three individual awards given as follows:

  • The Paul Rimmington Award (for the best all-round History student, in memory of former Head of History Paul Rimmington): Jessica Morgenstern
  • The William Dyer Award (for the best all-round Intermediate student): Christian Bright
  • The University of Law Award (for the most promising aspiring Lawyer): Caitlin Willmott

Congratulations to everyone involved! 

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