Next steps after Summer Results Day

The following scenarios may apply to students on or after Results Day. Please decide which of them applies and follow the links:

Offers for September of the current year

Students who have met the conditions of their firm (F) choice will be placed there. Applicants who are not confirmed at their firm choice, but meet the conditions of their insurance (I) choice will be placed at the latter. UCAS will send these students a Confirmation letter confirming their place. The letter will advise the applicant if they need to take any further action. For students who have sat exams confirmation letters can be viewed on Track from the day that the results are published. It is not necessary to call the university.

UCAS expects students to honour their firm / insurance choices if they are accepted onto the course. Students who wish to be released from their offers should contact the university directly.

Students holding any other offers, made outside the UCAS system, should reject them as quickly as possible so that the place can be offered to another student. 

Students wishing to withdraw (perhaps to re-apply the following year) should do so promptly, using Track. 

Students who are uncertain about whether to accept an offer should phone the university as soon as possible. Please be aware that you will need your UCAS Personal I.D. number and course code, and may be held in a queue for some time. 

Deferred offers for next year

Students who have received a deferred offer (to start in +12 months) should either:

  • accept the place, or
  • reject it in order to re-apply in the new round of applications

You cannot hold a deferred offer and submit a new application for the same year.

Students who have not met the conditions of their firm (F) choice, or insurance (I) choice, may still be considered by these institutions. Students should check Track for updates.

Applicants who have not met the conditions of their offer may be given a changed course/year offer, which will be shown in Track. They are not obliged to accept this. They will receive a Confirmation Letter outlining the available options when all confirmation decisions have been made. They then must either accept or decline the offer. Students have only 5 calendar days to reply to a changed course offer.

Students eligible for clearing will be issued with a Clearing Number (Shown in Track). Clearing vacancies will be listed on the UCAS website from results day in August onwards. Students will need to contact the universities directly to discuss the possibility of gaining a place on the course. If a university provisionally offers an applicant a place in Clearing, they will usually give them a date by which they must enter the course details in Track. Further information can be found on the UCAS Clearing webpage

The College will be open on results day and the day after from 9am-4pm for any students who would like to discuss their application. Students are advised to phone the College to arrange to talk to a member of staff.

Former students can apply to UCAS through the College. Details of how to do so can be found in the Former Student UCAS Guide.

References from Reigate College

The College is happy to provide students with a reference at any time. Please email requests for references to

The current Careers Bulletin can be viewed on this website. Former students can also access a range of useful advice on finding employment in the Apprenticeships and Employment section of the portal. We would also recommend that former students create a LinkedIn profile and request to join the Alumni Reigate College group.