Insight into Anaesthetics for future Medics

MVD anaesthetics talk by Dr Springett

This week, Reigate College welcomed Dr Jonathan Springett, Consultant in the Anaesthetics department at East Surrey Hospital.  

Dr Springett came to speak to Lower Sixth students who will be applying to study Medicine at university after they leave Reigate College.

He shared details about his career working within the NHS and provided an insight into the field of Anaesthetics. During his interactive talk there was also an opportunity for the students to practise on a simulated patient dummy.

Sam Burnett, Work Experience Coordinator at Reigate College, explained, “The College provides a structured weekly support session for our future Medics/Vets/Dentists which is organised and overseen by Liz Sanders. The speaker programme is one aspect of this and we are grateful to those professionals who contribute to it. Dr Springett was very generous with his time and the students found it a fascinating session.”

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