MFL students inspire thanks

MFL at Reigate College

This video was put together just before the College closed on 20th March and we moved to remote learning. It was made with the help of three MFL students, to encourage more prospective students to study a Modern Foreign Language while at College.

Looking at it again, got us thinking about what life is like around Europe (and beyond) at the moment, and about all the doctors, nurses and huge numbers of other amazing key workers, who are working so hard to look after us all and keep us safe.

We want to stand in solidarity with frontline workers everywhere and say ‘Thank you and Happy Easter’: merci et Joyeuses Pâques, danke und Frohe Ostern, gracias y feliz Pascua, grazie e buona pasqua, obrigado e feliz páscoa, bedankt en vrolijk Pasen, tak og god påske, tack och glad påsk, dziękuję i Wesołych Świąt Wielkanocnych, mulțumesc si Paste fericit…

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