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How have you found your courses?

Music Technology stands out for me. I enjoy it so much it doesn’t feel like work! I feel like I’ve spent my entire time at College in the Music Department and have made amazing friends because of it. I’m so interested in my subjects and how they link together, so I really enjoy my lessons. My number one piece of advice to new students is to take subjects you enjoy the most – it makes keeping up with your work so much easier.

Tell us about any College clubs or activities you’ve been in.

I go to Classic Album Club on Wednesday lunchtimes. We suggest albums we consider to be musically important (or just really love) and one is chosen each week. We listen to it all the way through, no interruptions and then talk about it in detail. It’s great to hear new music, or your favourites, on the studio speakers.

What are your interests outside College?

I play in a youth orchestra and I’ve recently joined a musical theatre society that covers East Surrey. The experience I’ve gained in Music Technology has given me the opportunity to get lots of work experience at several recording and TV studios. I’ve also been lucky enough to be paid to co-produce an EP.

What are your plans for the future?

I have an offer to study the prestigious Tonmeister Music and Sound Recording degree at Surrey University. After that I want to go into record production or live sound engineering.

Freya, 2018

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