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Nat Mittee was at Sunnydown School before starting at Reigate College and has been doing A Level Physics, AS Further Mathematics and GCSE English. He gained a Distinction* in Applied Science (Physics) during his Lower Sixth.

How have you been supported at College?

A member of the support team takes notes for me in lessons and I have extra support in exams. It seemed a bit daunting at first but I’ve got used to it. The staff and other students are very accepting and understanding. Having Asperger’s means I find it more difficult talking to people, especially when meeting them for the first time. In the past having Dyslexia has made me feel helpless and powerless in class, but with the right support I now feel completely differently. 

What do you like most about studying at Reigate?

I like the freedom and independence and being given the responsibility to manage my own workload. Being at College has helped me become more sociable and I’ve met some really nice people. 

What are your plans for the future?

I have a place at the University of Sussex to do a Foundation Year in Physics & Astronomy. I’m looking forward to the challenge of going to university and am hoping to pursue a career using Maths and or Physics – Data Analysis perhaps, as I enjoy working with numbers. 

Have you been involved in any extra-curricular activities?

I’ve achieved the DofE Gold Award. Overall, it’s been a challenging experience. It’s made me meet new people and try new things. As part of the Award I’ve done Maths tutoring, learnt to kickbox and been canoeing down the River Wye. 

Why did you choose Reigate College and was it the right decision?

I thought the College had a strong Learning Support Department and that I stood the best possible chance of getting the support I needed… and fortunately I was right! 

Nat, 2016

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